Cruelty Free – Easy as 1-2-3

The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.

Charles Darwin

From cosmetics to cleaning products, animal testing is unfortunately still a part of the process of bringing products to market. However, champions of ethical consumerism, such as the late Dame Anita Roddick, have made it no secret that other forms of dermatological testing can be used as an alternative. Since attempting to go entirely cruelty-free two and a half years ago, I have found myself stepping into a community of consumers who are passionate about discovering the source of their products who want to make ethical decisions before opening their wallets.

More than just makeup


My first pitstop on my quest to go cruelty-free was to check my makeup bag. Famously companies such as L’Oreal and Clinique employ animal testing in the development of their products however there are plenty of alternatives that don’t. For slightly more high-end options, brands such as Urban Decay and teen favourite, Glossier are cruelty-free, however, for more thrifty spends, Barry M and Revolution Beauty stock both vegan and cruelty-free formulas. I found it relatively easy to switch out brands for more ethical counterparts.

Once I had sorted out makeup, I then turned my attention to the bathroom cabinet. From changing toothpaste to finding new shampoo, it was starting to get harder to find reasonably priced alternatives. I discovered that Superdrug’s own branded products are almost entirely cruelty-free, making life a lot easier. I had never previously considered that items such as my deodorant would be animal tested and I felt the creeping realisation that I would have to double check everything. The Body Shop is probably one of the best-known brands for speaking out in the fight against animal testing so needless-to-say they are a good option when looking for alternatives. Equally, Lush boast 100% Vegetarian cosmetics along with their fight to ban animal testing. They also attempt to reduce plastic waste by developing packaging-free items. I do feel that their price point can be a little steep for everyday essentials, however, their ever-growing popularity on the high street is hard to deny.

Cleaning up

From makeup and toiletries, it was time to tackle cleaning products. Once I had gotten over the horror that cleaning items are tested on animals, I was determined to replace everything that I used. I instantly found out that most eco-friendly and cruelty-free cleaning brands wcleaning-hands-handwashing-545013ere in some cases double the price of items that I had been using in the past. Whilst companies such as Method and Ecover can supply anything from toilet cleaner to laundry detergent, they are certainly pricier. Their products smell amazing and work brilliantly so I always check to see when they’re on offer.

With delight, I discovered that some supermarkets have their own brand of cleaning products that are more often than not cruelty-free. So far I have found excellent items from Sainsbury’s, Co-op and Waitrose that do the job and they are much more competitively priced. The brand Astonish are also cruelty-free and vegan whilst being low priced. I have found their items in Wilkos, Poundland, and The Range.

I’m still discovering items in my flat that need replacing but I have realised that there is always an alternative to be found. With so many different ethical options on the market, why do the big companies continue to test on animals?

Why are companies still testing?

Why is it that in 2019, large cosmetic and consumer goods companies still implement animal testing? The answer to this involves a number of factors. Firstly, at its route, animal testing is employed to ensure that products are safe for human consumption. Testing for adverse reactions will reduce the likelihood that a product will cause harm to the consumer so these side effects are often searched for in animal subjects. Not only is this is inhumane, but some also question the validity and effectiveness of these tests.

Animal tests have scientific limitations, as different species respond differently when exposed to the same chemicals. Consequently, results from animal tests may not be relevant to humans, as they can under-or overestimate real-world hazards to people.

The Humane Society of the United States

Photo courtesy of The Body Shop

The second reason for implementing animal testing is to adhere to the regulations of China, which state that any cosmetics must be tested on animals before importation. By continuing to test, large companies keep the trade route open with the Chinese market, an important and valuable customer.

The good news is that some parts of the world are banning animal-tested cosmetics. Norway, Israel, and India have all banned ingredients tested on animals whilst California has passed a bill prohibiting animal testing by 2020.

Spot the signs

Bunny logos are the easiest way to spot an item that is certified cruelty free, however, these signs can vary and in some cases false. Organisations such as PETA, Leaping Bunny and Choose Cruelty Free all have their own unique logos.

Photo courtesy of

Wherever these logos are present, you can feel assured that the item is cruelty-free. Some products may have additional signs that indicate they are suitable for vegans or vegetarians. I have found other bloggers to be a great source of information regarding the constant changes in the beauty community. Cruelty Free Kitty  has a wealth of information as well as Tashina Combs of Logical Harmony, who uploads reviews and tips to YouTube alongside her blog.

No matter what your opinion on animal testing, I have found that looking deeper into the products that I use daily has encouraged me to make more ethical and in some cases, more sustainable decisions when choosing what to buy. There is still a long way to go however I have found that opting to go cruelty-free has been fairly easy and reduces my contribution to the needless testing of animals.

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